About us
lilotame.com shopping center is a one-stop online shopping mall, covering the most popular hot style products,a variety of products! lilotame.com committed to creating a safer, faster and more affordable online shopping experience for customers. The online products include clothing, shoes, bags, household goods, kitchen products, 3C electronics and other comprehensive categories. We are committed to creating a perfect one-stop online shopping experience for customers.
We have professional team of e-commerce, logistics team and perfect after-sales service, in order to better serve clients, after comprehensive consideration, we expand the business area of improving shopping experience, this convenient, favorable, efficient six-character policies for new and old customers with more quality products and follow-up services.
We adhere to the concept of "More Fashion and Better Quality". In order to build a convenient, assured one-stop shopping platform, reduce intermediate links, and well received by every customer. We believe that details determine success or failure, and service create value. Over the years, the team went through unremitting efforts, integrity management, quality service and product price advantage, winning more customers trust.
lilotame.com adheres to the eternal basic concept of "Taking customers as the distance, pursuing quality, respecting customers and creating delicacy". Through commercial retail, Memolala will provide customers with high-quality, cheap, safe and assured products, and build a better life hand in hand with customers!
lilotame.com always believes that it is a good plan to benefit every audience with beautiful fashion and brand value for a hundred years. We are firmly committed to it and we are on the way!
Corporate name:Yiwu Yuying E-commerce Co., Ltd
Company address:Room 401, Unit 3, Building 47, Xiawangsan District, Jiangdong Street, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province (self declared)
客服郵箱:service@yeah-mall.com / service@lilotame.com
Customer service email:service@mall-sg.com
Our online customer service time :(UTC/GMT + 08:00) 9:00-18:00
We will reply to you within 24 working hours (Within1 office hour).